About Pragmatic Planning
Richard Kemp - Founder & Principal
My name is Richard Kemp and I’m a Town Planner. I’m also the founder and Principal Consultant of Pragmatic Planning.
I specialise in helping both businesses and everyday people get the consents they need from the Queenstown Lakes District Council – without the usual stress.
From Computer Gamer to Council Employee to Consultant
Back in the early-2000’s I obsessively played Sim City. You know..that game where you get to build amazing cities – only to have them destroyed by ravaging UFO’s.
I didn’t know it at the time but that game changed my life. I know that statements like that suggest I spent a little too much of my teenage years behind a screen – but it’s true. Imagine my excitement when I learnt that City Planning is really a thing.
Fast forward a number of years, after securing a Bachelor of Town Planning as one of the top of the class I took on a position working for the Queenstown Lakes District Council as a Resource Consenting Planner.

After years of experience for the Council based in both the Wanaka & Queenstown Offices, I have developed a very good understanding of our District – what works, what doesn’t, and most importantly – how to turn your idea into a shiny new consent from the Council with the word “GRANTED” on the front page.
During my years at Council I realised that I didn’t like saying “NO” – but rather – “Let’s see how we can make this a YES for you”.
Consulting was the logical progression – I figured out that I can use the expertise and relationships I developed to help regular people do what they want to do….without a fleet of UFO’s destroying their idea.
I am particularly interested in emerging technologies and how they influence the places we live, work and play – particularly blockchain technology, Airbnb, ride-sharing, and GIS.
If you want to read an extended version of my story, check out my LinkedIn.
p.s. If you too want the thrill of building cities and then destroying them with robots – Sim City is still around!
What Clients Say About Richard